Field | Information to enter |
Prefix for outside line | The number, if any, needed to dial to get an outside line at the location. Many US businesses, for example, use 9. |
International prefix | The number needed to dial international calls. |
Country code at this location | The country code at the location. |
Long distance prefix | The number needed to dial long distance, usually 1 in the US. |
Area code at this location | Area code at the location. |
Calling card access number | An access number to use a calling card for each call you make from the location. (The access number is the number you dial before a phone number to indicate you want to use a calling card). |
Calling card number or extension suffix | A calling card number or extension to use for each call you make from the location. |
Dialing Rules button (does not appear in documents with Local Area Network or No Connection type, or in a new unsaved Location document) | Click to enter server phone number information for the location. |