Level | Class | Description |
Database | NotesACL | Represents a collection of all the access control list entries for a database. |
 | NotesAdministrationProcess | Represents the Administration Process. |
 | NotesACLEntry | Represents a single entry in an access control list. |
 | NotesAgent | Represents an agent. |
 | NotesColorObject | Represents a color. |
 | NotesDatabase | Represents a Domino database. |
 | NotesDateRange | Represents a range of dates and times. |
 | NotesDateTime | Provides a means to translate between LotusScript and Domino date/time formatting. |
 | NotesDbDirectory | Represents the database files on a server or on the local machine. |
 | NotesDocument | Represents a document in a database. |
 | NotesDocumentCollection | Represents a collection of documents. |
 | NotesDOMAttributeNode | Represents an attribute in a NotesDOMElementNode object. |
 | NotesDOMCDATASectionNode | Represents a CDATA section in the XML data source. |
 | NotesDOMCharacterDataNode | Represents character data in a DOM node. |
 | NotesDOMCommentNode | Represents a comment in the XML. |
 | NotesDOMDocumentFragmentNode | Represents a document fragment in the XML. |
 | NotesDOMDocumentNode | Represents the entire XML document. |
 | NotesDOMDocumentTypeNode | Represents a document type node. |
 | NotesDOMElementNode | Represents an element in an XML document. |
 | NotesDOMEntityNode | Represents an entity in an XML document. |
 | NotesDOMEntityReferenceNode | Represents an entity reference in an XML document. |
 | NotesDOMNamedNodeMap | Represents a list of attributes for an element node. |
 | NotesDOMNode | A base class representing a single node in a DOM tree. |
 | NotesDOMNodeList | Represents a list of the child nodes of an element node. |
 | NotesDOMNotationNode | Represents a notation declared in the DTD. |
 | NotesDOMParser | Processes XML into a standard DOM tree structure. |
 | NotesDOMProcessingInstructionNode | Represents a processing instruction. |
 | NotesDOMTextNode | Represents the textual content of an element or attribute. |
 | NotesDOMXMLDeclNode | Represents the version of XML being used. |
 | NotesDXLExporter | Represents the conversion of Domino data to DXL (Domino XML) data. |
 | NotesDXLImporter | Represents the conversion of DXL (Domino XML) to Domino data. |
 | NotesEmbeddedObject | Represents embedded objects, links, and file attachments. |
 | NotesForm | Represents a form in a database. |
 | NotesInternational | Represents the international settings in the operating system. |
 | NotesItem | Represents a piece of data in a document. |
 | NotesLog | Represents actions and errors that occur during script execution. |
 | NotesMIMEEntity | Represents a NotesItem of type MIME. |
 | NotesMIMEHeader | Represents a MIME header. |
 | NotesName | Represents a user or server name. |
 | NotesNewsLetter | Represents a summary document that contains information from, or links to, several other documents. |
 | NotesNoteCollection | Represents a collection of design and data elements in a database. |
 | NotesOutline | Represents an outline in a database. |
 | NotesOutlineEntry | Represents an entry in an outline. |
 | NotesRegistration | Represents the registration of an ID file. |
 | NotesReplication | Represents the replication settings of a database. |
 | NotesReplicationEntry | Represents the replication settings for a pair of servers in a database. |
 | NotesRichTextDocLink | Represents a doclink in a rich text item. |
 | NotesRichTextItem | Represents items that can contain rich text. |
 | NotesRichTextNavigator | Represents a means of navigation in a rich text item. |
 | NotesRichTextParagraphStyle | Represents rich text paragraph attributes. |
 | NotesRichTextRange | Represents elements in a rich text item. |
 | NotesRichTextSection | Represents a collapsible section in a rich text item. |
 | NotesRichTextStyle | Represents a rich text style. |
 | NotesRichTextTab | Represents rich text tab attributes. |
 | NotesRichTextTable | Represents a table in a rich text item. |
 | NotesSAXAttributeList | Represents the attributes of an element. |
 | NotesSAXException | Represents information about errors which occur during SAX parsing. |
 | NotesSAXParser | Represents XML as a series of events using a SAX parser. |
 | NotesSession | Root of Domino database objects--for global attributes, context, and persistent information. |
 | NotesStream | Represents a stream of binary or character data. |
 | NotesTimer | A mechanism for triggering an event every fixed number of seconds. |
 | NotesView | Represents a named view of a database. |
 | NotesViewColumn | Represents a column of a view. |
 | NotesViewEntry | Represents a view entry. A view entry represents a row in a view. |
 | NotesViewEntryCollection | Represents a collection of view entries, selected according to specific criteria. |
 | NotesViewNavigator | Represents a view navigator. A view navigator provides access to all or a subset of the entries in a view. |
 | NotesXMLProcessor | Contains the properties and methods common to all DXL processes. |
 | NotesXSLTransformer | Represents the transformation of DXL (Domino XML) through XSLT. |
UI | Button | Represents an action, button, or hotspot on a form or document. |
 | Field | Represents a field on a form. |
 | Navigator | Represents an object in a navigator. |
 | NotesUIDatabase | Represents the database that is currently open in the Domino workspace. |
 | NotesUIDocument | Models the behavior of a Domino document window. |
 | NotesUIScheduler | Represents an embedded scheduler in a document. |
 | NotesUIView | Represents the current database view. |
 | NotesUIWorkspace | Provides access to the current workspace. |